Sunday, March 25, 2007

snowboarding is cool

hello all out there in the cyber world. so for the last few days i have been shooting at the Roxy Chicken Jam at park city. they had both slope and pipe with the best girls in snowboarding ripping it up. I was doing all the follow cams for FUEL. good times. i am very tired now though. i did get to see some girls killing it. highlights have to be Torah Bright killing the pipe. she is very good in the pipe. and also Tara Dakides is such a good ripper. she won the slope, and i must say that following here thru the park is like following any guy. pluss she is super nice.

anyway the whole point of this rant is about how much cooler snowboarding is. this was a womens only comp, and it was going off. all the people that were involved are both more chill and more professional than anything i have ever seen in skiing. it was nice to see athletes and industry insiders treating what they do as both a job and what they enjoy. i can't really explain it, but it just all seemed more professional. perhaps it has to do with the fact that there weren't a bunch of kids thinking they are all that running around with no respect for the sport or those around them.

yeah, skiing really has a lot of room to grow.

pro skiers are role models and i just feel that WAY TOO MANY PEOPLE ARE SKIING FOR THE WRONG REASONS.

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